Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Useful Technology Law News Links From September

Here are some of the links from my twitter account that I found most interesting this month:

#Facebook's like buttons tracking users and new news feed feature comes with new #privacy concerns http://t.co/I0GgmCiQ via AustralianIT

Amazon's new browser sounds like a simple caching server to me; could it be infringing ? via

Japan is seeking to expand geo and natural gas. National Geographic Japan on the North American natural gas market: [J]

Ottawa to reintroduce legislation via

Great NY Times article that all entrepreneurs should read covering issues start-ups face:

How can you prove biological infringement? Barcodes made from fluorescent bacteria: via

Tokyo Power provides blacked out emergency manual to investigators; claiming to protect in original [JP] via NHK

Japan holding policy review meetings in response to Mitsubishi ; aims to increase online [JP] via NHK
#copyright board: University transactional licenses would lead to widespread infringement absent an enforcement system http://t.co/kHHMKJSl
There is no doubt that foreign businesses operating in Canada have to comply with Canadian #privacy laws. http://t.co/r9njD8cB
In Samsung-Apple tablet fight Korean firm’s chipmaking business risks collateral damage http://t.co/3yIXmWN3 via @globeandmail
New anti-piracy tactic: $10 Settlement Offers: http://t.co/JGZj8Ywq via @paidContent
A rare look at the inner-workings of the Supreme Court of Canada http://t.co/qF2M0euV via @globeandmail
Chineese government seeking green IP by putting up trade barriers for Chevy Volt: http://t.co/WD6HjewC via @autobloggreen
@replic8_designs Congrats on the herald article: http://t.co/i1hBDhHs
#Pirate: "I did the obvious thing" by infringing your #copyright online; should © law target p2p soft developers?: http://t.co/BFwWaliw [JP]
All Things Patent is out! http://t.co/31TQPS7J Top stories today via @techlawcalgary @medicalemperor @patesalo_e @glengordon @mob4hire
@AquaPureMVR @blacklinegps @Chaordix @HemisphereGPS - Congratulations on TechRev: http://t.co/seQ0j3b2
Great news for #Calgary businesses: Britain is coming. http://t.co/q8fAIVpE
Another day, another mobile #patent suit; this time #apple sued over processor patents http://t.co/PIi3EjT7
online wiretapping bill will "provide for appropriate judicial oversite" - That's good to hear - CBC News: http://t.co/wY17N2Uu via @AddThis
More on lulz sec arrest #security: CBC News: http://t.co/bIxJBkHW via @AddThis
Arrest in LulzSec Sony Pictures hack. I am glad to see progress made. #security http://t.co/sONvnuZu via @globeandmail
Firms must share TV content for online, phone use http://t.co/XKcuIGk9
Are "Super cookies" covered by #privacy policy terms covering cookies? Under Canadian law I have doubts http://t.co/vCSG29rt via @zdnetasia
Isn't it obvious that servers with classified defense info should not be connected to the net? http://t.co/np6stNJy via @globeandmail
I am glad to see McCarthy Tetrault is well represented on Lawyers Weekly's Social Media top 24 http://t.co/zHP7yTv6
The audacity of some #copyright infringers is alarming. http://t.co/38vEYDVT Reminds me of a certain theme park robot: http://t.co/WpehCNqR
BMG is old news; Canadian ISPs ordered to give up user information in p2p #copyright infringement case: http://t.co/PfSFKzd
McCarthy Tétrault publishes client guide to Canada’s new anti-spam law http://t.co/6Ddq5kj
Inline linking breaches copyright; Perfect 10 distinguished based on users' personal selection of #copyright content http://t.co/eXfftDU
Apple Still Seems To Think That Only It Could Possibly Have An Apple Shaped Logo http://t.co/N7lTdHg via @Techdirt #trademark
Sites without exclusive licenses or title to users' content cannot sue for breach of users' #copyright http://t.co/c4t3H0m via @bsookman
After a long dry spell, we finally have some new Canadian #copyright reform news. #c32 is back. http://t.co/Acvie46 via @mgeist
Richard Posner applying his always sobering insight into the state of the US #economy: The New Republic: http://t.co/qcTtXw6
Think of tweeting as shouting in public. Jokes about bombing airports or kidnapping lead to trouble http://t.co/ONDWIQ2 via @regvulture
Defamation is unlikely to be found in an online debate where plaintiff participates in the debate http://t.co/2ZKf5Pi via @wordpressdotcom
Fixing CASL: comments on the draft CRTC and Industry Canada regulations http://t.co/AmrppUL
Don't take your online #privacy and #security for granted, especially if you are sharing nude photos: http://t.co/6bs1QfN via @AddThis
Google taking additional steps towards protecting #copyright in online content: http://t.co/60IAeqh via CIO
Machine translation may assist in legal translation work but it falls short of replacing a skilled translator via CBA: http://t.co/HkfDngF
Forging of hundreds of certificates undermines internet security at the most fundamental level: http://t.co/CtSw7tf via @regvulture

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